BGM音频素材包合集 - 4304网盘资源-网盘资源搜索神器
- file:【必备资源】文件夹空白就是被屏蔽了.jpg
- file:【必看,所有资料合集免费地址】.docx
- file:(配套资料).zip
- file:Legends Of Time.mp3
- file:Invisible Cities.mp3
- file:Melody.mp3
- file:Offering Light.mp3
- file:Exaltation.mp3
- file:Miracles Can Happen.mp3
- file:Luna.mp3
- file:Experience.mp3
- file:Homeland (No Choir).mp3
- file:Loyalty Remains.mp3
- file:Greatest Day.mp3
- file:Fighting Against Myself.mp3
- file:I'm in Paradise.mp3
- file:Lost but Won.mp3
- file:Gates Of Pearl Main.mp3
- file:Into The Sun.mp3
- file:Flight Of Dreams.mp3
- file:Gathering of the Clans (No Choir).mp3
- file:Memory Forgotten.mp3
- file:穿越光年的瞬间.mp3
- file:Near Centaurus.mp3
- file:Melting Ice.mp3
- file:Perfect Day feat. R.I.B..mp3
- file:Memories Of You.mp3
- file:Nothing To Fear.mp3
- file:Our Destiny Lies Above Us (Xyron Remix).mp3
- file:Old House.mp3
- file:Music Box.mp3
- file:Mother Earth.mp3
- file:Once Upon A Time.mp3
- file:New Constellation.mp3
- file:Pandemic.mp3
- file:Michael Meets Mozart - 1 Piano, 2 Guys, 100 Cello Tracks.mp3
- file:Mysteriously Awake.mp3
- file:No Place Like Home.mp3
- file:hope to find my way home.mp3
- file:삶은 여행(Inst.).mp3
- file:Shape Of My Heart.mp3
- file:Romantic Soul.mp3
- file:Scrolling.mp3
- file:Remember.mp3
- file:pure imagination.mp3
- file:Rainy Day Reminiscence.mp3
- file:Rain Drops.mp3
- file:pure imagination (dotan negrin x prismatic mantis flip).mp3
- file:Partly Sunny.mp3
- file:Pretender (prod. danieru).mp3
- file:One Sweetest.mp3
- file:Paris In The Rain (HYE SUNG Remix).mp3
- file:Never Be the Same.mp3
- file:More Than I Can Handle.mp3
- file:Arrival of Spring.mp3
- file:Eagle's Wings.mp3
- file:All Systems Go (No Vox).mp3
- file:Chariots Of Fire (Chariots Of Fire).mp3
- file:Driftwood.mp3
- file:Apollo s Triumph.mp3
- file:Against The World.mp3
- file:Adventurous Spirit.mp3
- file:Breath and Life.mp3
- file:Daybreak.mp3
- file:Finding Your Way.mp3
- file:Sol Invictus.mp3
- file:Raise The Cup (No Vox).mp3
- file:Without You (Vindata Remix).mp3
- file:Winterbirds.mp3
- file:Who Am I (What's My Name).mp3
- file:When The Light Comes.mp3
- file:What Remains of Our Chalk Road.mp3
- file:What A Feeling.mp3
- file:We May Be Remembered By What We Did When We Sat Down.mp3
- file:What Have We Done To Each Other_.mp3
- file:...And All Is Fine.mp3
- file:we were a match made in hell.mp3
- file:A Beauty To Fight For (Live 2006) - live.mp3
- file:Accept What You Destroy.mp3
- file:...Then We Start A New Voyage.mp3
- file:All The Pretty Things.mp3
- file:Heroes (we could be).mp3
- file:Ghosts of Former Lives.mp3
- file:Free Fall.mp3
- file:Forevermore (Album).mp3
- file:Good To Be Alive.mp3
- file:Fight Song.mp3
- file:Feels Like Tonight.mp3
- file:For You To Notice - EP Version.mp3
- file:Eyes Wide Open.mp3
- file:Defying Gravity (Glee Cast Season 5 Version).mp3
- file:Come Close Now.mp3
- file:CLONE(东方萃梦想より “东方萃梦想”).mp3
- file:总有一处柔软的地方.mp3
- file:小さな恋のうた.mp3
- file:当爱已成往事.mp3
- file:君がくれた时间 (feat. 斎藤ネコ ~Orchestra~).mp3
- file:可惜没如果 - 钢琴版纯音乐.mp3
- file:听不到(伴奏) - instrumental.mp3
- file:你还要我怎样.mp3
- file:五月天 - 如果我们不曾相遇-文武贝钢琴版.mp3
- file:Prelude 12_21.mp3
- file:S.E.X..mp3
- file:Same Ol'.mp3
- file:Super Psycho Love.mp3
- file:Strike a Match.mp3
- file:I’m So Sorry.mp3
- file:it's consuming me .mp3
- file:I'm a Wanted Man.mp3
- file:Man on a Mission.mp3
- file:My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up).mp3
- file:Lollipop Luxury.mp3
- file:Just Like Fire.mp3
- file:La La Land.mp3
- file:silvery white.mp3
- file:Leaving Behind A Whaling Economy.mp3
- file:Rise - Epic Music.mp3
- file:Time Stands Still.mp3
- file:Luminescent.mp3
- file:The Moments We Shared...I Miss Them.mp3
- file:I Rise, You Fall.mp3
- file:Fold Your Hands and Pray.mp3
- file:Guardians at the Gate.mp3
- file:False King - Original.mp3
- file:El Dorado Dubstep (Remix) - remix.mp3
- file:Dark Side Of Power.mp3
- file:Clash Of Empires.mp3
- file:Conquest of Paradise.mp3
- file:Crysis 2 Intro - intro.mp3
- file:Black Assassin (no choir)12.mp3
- file:A Writer's Dream.mp3
- file:雪见—仙凡之旅.mp3
- file:Will and Elizabeth.mp3
- file:Wonder Woman's Wrath.mp3
- file:天地孤影任我行.mp3
- file:You Were Born For This.mp3
- file:傲气傲笑万重浪.mp3
- file:United We Stand – Divided We Fall.mp3
- file:白いスーツのテーマ.mp3
- file:Heart of Courage.mp3
- file:Horner_ For The Love Of A Princess.mp3
- file:It Ain't Easy.mp3
- file:Irresistible .mp3
- file:I'm Gonna Do My Thing.mp3
- file:Glitter & Gold.mp3
- file:Grind Me Down (Jawster Remix).mp3
- file:Get On My Knees.mp3
- file:Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom).mp3
- file:Down To The Bottom.mp3
- file:Don't Get In My Way.mp3
- file:旅行青蛙 - 青蛙旅行BGM原声(第六宇宙 remix).mp3
- file:바람을 타고.mp3
- file:フンフンフン♪だよ、らき☆すた.mp3
- file:░░_Springtime Stroll_Westminster Quarters =Ⓣɪᴍᴇ ➋ Ⓜᴇᴇᴛ.mp3
- file:you don't have to cry.mp3
- file:WAITING.mp3
- file:_s w e e t .s o u _.mp3
- file:walk with me.mp3
- file:Time (Official).mp3
- file:Warm On A Cold Night.mp3
- file:Vapour Trails.mp3
- file:Unstoppable (FKJ Remix).mp3
- file:Dragonfly Keeper.mp3
- file:Do You Think About Me.mp3
- file:和煦的糖果风.mp3
- file:出航吧!幸福快艇.mp3
- file:ハイグレしんちゃん.mp3
- file:ツィゴイネルワイゼン Op20.mp3
- file:ドラえも~ん!.mp3
- file:ひやむぎ、そーめん、时々うどん.mp3
- file:Champagne Ocean.mp3
- file:のんびり晴ればれ(M-40AB_M-41AB_M-60A).mp3
- file:Careless Whisper.mp3
- file:Battle Without Honor Or Humanity.mp3
- file:Barroom Ballet.mp3
- file:So Good (Alex Adair Remix).mp3
- file:Wolves At The Door.mp3
- file:Trouble (It's Different Remix).mp3
- file:These Heights.mp3
- file:何かがおかしい.mp3
- file:背後に注意!.mp3
- file:汤けむり旅情大作戦.mp3
- file:次の金は东にありて.mp3
- file:余のチャームポイント.mp3
- file:恋爱サーキュレーション(“化物语”より).mp3
- file:ヴァカがやってきた!.mp3
- file:気乗りしない….mp3
- file:糖分とらねぇとなぁー.mp3
- file:楽しいねぇ♪.mp3
- file:空腹も生きていればこそ.mp3
- file:成層圏から指令がきてるの.mp3
- file:帝国のマーチ(ダース・ベイダーのテーマ).mp3
- file:俺も、もうジャンプ卒業しなきゃいけねぇ歳だよなぁ.mp3
- file:学校(M-13).mp3
- file:No Honor In Blood.mp3
- file:Pacific Rim.mp3
- file:Main Title and Calvera.mp3
- file:Men Of Honor.mp3
- file:Look To The Stars (Main).mp3
- file:Last Reunion (Epicmusicvn Series).mp3
- folder:BGM音频素材包合集
- folder:4
- folder:【35】剪辑,思考,刷题 励志纯音乐
- folder:【39】适合延时摄影BGM的音乐
- folder:【33】视频大佬你要的适合旅行Vlog的轻high音乐
- folder:【32】企业宣传片音乐收集
- folder:【38】潮文艺 逼格提升、“视频制作”专用BGM
- folder:【31】婚礼MV、快剪音乐〈随时更新〉
- folder:【40】猫的树Cattree
- folder:【36】视频剪辑节奏★色気★踩点向bgm
- folder:【37】TIMELAPSER----星空延时摄影OST
- folder:【34】大气磅礴,史诗级背景音乐。
- folder:【26】剪辑师必备-震撼大气背景音乐
- folder:【28】剪辑自用超酷节奏踩点
- folder:【24】视频博主游记VLOG用
- folder:【23】vlog采访视频制作BGM(视频剪辑、设计师专用)
- folder:【30】高逼格婚礼快剪音乐
- folder:【29】宣传片年会邀请函颁奖的震撼音乐
- folder:【21】旅拍VLOG背景音乐196首
- folder:【27】剪辑用的节奏感强的纯音乐
- folder:【08】剪辑配乐精选—节奏类180首
- folder:【10】[骨灰级.Pr剪辑师]丨史上最全的视频剪辑BGM
- folder:【09】不能错过的专业航拍BGM 248首
- folder:【04】热门史诗巨作合集229首
- folder:【03】背景音乐 视频剪辑的伴奏390首
- folder:【06】YOUTUBE旅拍大佬们的歌单182首
- folder:【07】航拍延时摄影背景音乐合集100首
- folder:【13】【酷到没朋友】BGM燃点爆炸(持更)
- folder:【12】【VLOG视频剪辑】专用BGM 油管歌曲
- folder:【17】Youtube Vlog BGM
- folder:【19】适合Vlog,升格,旅拍,短片的BGM 83首
- folder:【20】B站知名UP 视频大拍档 特里剪辑歌单 175首
- folder:【14】旅行VLOG BGM
- folder:【18】日本vlog背景音乐 155首
- folder:【16】高 级 感 vlog 纯音乐 BGM 69首
- folder:【15】高级感BGM [穿搭美妆vlog视频etc.]128首
- folder:【11】[BGM] 影视飓风(更新)
分享时间 | 2024-11-29 |
入库时间 | 2024-12-10 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 文库*76 |